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2024 Woods Hole Partnership Education Program Symposium

Friday, August 9, 9AM-2PM 

Marine Biological Laboratory

Meigs Room (Upstairs in Swope)

266 North St., Woods Hole

Free parking at the NOAA Cottage Lot on Albatross Street. (No parking in the NOAA lot on Water St.)

9-9:15: Welcome 

Onjalé Scott Price, PEP Director

Dr. Anne W. Sylvester, Director of Research, Marine Biological Laboratory

Nicole Cabana, Deputy Director, NOAA NEFSC

9:15-9:30: Catlin Payne - Understanding the Effect of Parasite Infection on Invasive Species Carcinus maenas

Mentors: Yaamini R. Venkataraman and Carolyn Tepolt, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 

9:30-9:45: Madeleine Stewart - Modeling Entanglement Risk and Risk Reduction Measures for Atlantic Large Whales

Mentor: Michael Asaro, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

9:45-10: Enzo Inestroza - Enhancing Coastal Stability through Restoration Projects in the Gulf of Mexico

Mentor: Sara Zeigler, United States Geological Survey 

10-10:15: Mikayla Harris - Life on Deep Sea Inactive Sulfides

Mentor: Lauren Mullineaux, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

10:15-10:30: Jordan Verret - Climate Data Analysis of Falmouth and Surrounding Areas

Mentor: Christopher Neil and Kristin Huizenga, Woodwell Climate Research Center 

10:30-10:45: Mia Martin-Fuller - Analysis of the Ocean Twilight Zone GBIF Datasets

Mentors: Hauke Kite-Powell, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution - Marine Policy Center 

10:45-11: Akil Smith - Substrate Dependent Burrowing Patterns in Squilla Empusa: Analysis on Their Excavation Process

Mentor: Katie Dever, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

11-11:15: Corinne LePage - Geochemical Monitoring of Lavas: Measuring Helium Isotopes in the 2018 Kīlauea Volcanic Eruption

Mentors: Forrest Horton and Peter Barry, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 

11:15-11:30: BREAK 

11:30-11:45: Brianna Shaw - Investigating Bacterial Interactions That Form Corncob Structures in Human Dental Plaque Biofilms

Mentors: Scott Chimileski and Jessica Mark-Welch, Marine Biological Laboratory 

11:45-12: Amari Johnson - Salt Marsh Restoration: Remote Sensing and Water Fluctuation of an Artificial Salt Marsh at Different Tidal Events

Mentors: Seth Ackerman and Meagan Eagle, United States Geological Survey 

12-12:15: Emmanuelle Bogomolni  - Small Home for a Big Whale: Fin Whale Use of Marine Protected Areas

Mentor: Sean Hayes, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

12:15-12:30: Aaron Wickware  - Validating Wind Data from the Ocean Observatories Initiative in High Latitude Deployments.​ 

Mentors: Andrew Reed and Stace Beaulieu, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 

12:30-12:45: Sinclair Strong - Moisture as a Driver of Net Soil CH4 Exchange in a Northern Forest.

Mentors: Kathleen Savage, Woodwell Climate Research Center 

12:45-1:00: Alex Brown - Importance of Macro Detrital Flux In Net Exchange Between “Little Pond” and “Vineyard Sound”

Mentor: Ken Foreman, Marine Biological Laboratory 

1:00-1:15: Arleth Martinez- Exploring Squaliformes Dermal Denticle Morphology Diversity and Evolution.

Mentor: Elizabeth Sibert, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 

1:15-1:30: Graduation 

1:30: Closing remarks and lunch 

Abstracts (listed in order of presentation)

Catlin Payne 

University of Massachusetts Boston

Mentors: Yaamini R. Venkataraman and Carolyn Tepolt , Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 

Title: Understanding the effect of parasite infection on invasive species Carcinus maenas.

Abstract: The European green crab (Carcinus maenas) is a non-indigenous species (NIS) to North America with successful invasions on both the east and west coasts. NIS may benefit from parasite escape, which occurs when NIS are introduced into a new area escaping their coevolved parasites. Free of the physiological stress parasites incur upon the host, these crabs may react better to other stressors. This experiment quantifies the benefit that hosts receive from parasite escape by comparing physiological responses to heat stress in crab populations with and without parasite infections. First, I surveyed parasite prevalence in populations along the coast of New England (NE) and in a Willapa Bay, Washington population. I surveyed several NE populations and found metacercarial trematode cysts, and acanthocephalan infections. The infected NE populations show that since the introduction of C. maenas to Massachusetts over 200 years ago, parasites have been introduced from their native range and novel parasites have evolved to infect them. The parasite-free Willapa Bay, WA population is from a more recent introduction in the late 1980’s, and is therefore more representative of parasite escape. Three populations — Harpswell, ME (prevalence: 91.66%, intensity: 23.97 meta); New Castle, NH (prevalence: 64% metacercarial cysts, 32% acanthocephalans, intensity:186.5625 meta, 5.375 acanth); and Willapa Bay, WA (no parasites) — were subjected to a heat stress of 30oC for 22 hours and their righting response was measured before and after heat stress. In each population there was an increase in time-to-right (TTR after they were subjected to the heat stress (ME 0.64 seconds, NH 0.41 seconds, WA 0.67 seconds). However, parasite load seemed to have little to no effect on righting response. C. maenas introductions may benefit from parasite escape, however, they are capable of coping with a wide range of parasite loads.


Madeleine R. Stewart

University of California Santa Cruz

Mentor: Michael Asaro, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Title: Modeling Entanglement Risk and Risk Reduction Measures for Atlantic Large Whales

Abstract: Entanglement in commercial fishing gear is one of the highest causes of mortality and serious injury for large whales in the Atlantic Ocean. The North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis, NARW) is the most endangered Atlantic large whale and is highly susceptible to entanglements. NOAA Fisheries developed a Decision Support Tool (DST) that models entanglement mortality risk for large whales, with most risk mitigation efforts currently focused on reducing anthropogenic sources of mortality and serious injury to the endangered NARW. The DST helps scientists, industry, and managers understand entanglement risk to NARW under different scenarios or prospective management actions. However, the NARW is not the only large whale in the Atlantic facing entanglement risk. Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae), Fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus), and Minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) are other large whales that are also impacted by fishing gear entanglements. The DST has helped scientists, policy experts, and fishermen develop management actions that balance the conservation of these large whales and the economic importance of fishing. This project focused on the habitat distribution of these four species to understand where they overlap seasonally and what conservation strategies can reduce entanglement risk across the species. This project used the DST to model whale co-occurrence with fixed fishing gear in waters off the Northeastern United States. New management actions were examined as potential amendments to the current Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan federal regulations to benefit all large whales. The recovery of these populations are important to the mission of NOAA Fisheries and their seasonal distributions can help scientists better understand ocean dynamics, especially in this era of rapid climate change.


Enzo Inestroza

Florida Atlantic University

Mentor: Sara Zeigler, United States Geological Survey 

Title: Enhancing Coastal Stability through Restoration Projects in the Gulf of Mexico

Abstract: The northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico is experiencing many changes and one of the challenges as a management service (NPS, NFWFS, FWC) involved with parks or wildlife conservation is understanding these landscape changes and how to address them. As climate change intensifies, coastal dune restoration projects are set out to withstand intense storms and stop invasive vegetation encroachment. This study focuses on the effects these projects carry on the landscape of the Gulf coast. Coastal restoration projects ranging from Texas to Florida were organized into a database in which they ranged from 2006 to present time. Perdido Key was selected as a case study to observe landscape changes following a restoration project in 2018, which included installing sand fences, planting vegetation, and adding dredged sediment,

with elevation changes observed before and after these additions. The expected results are that dunes will increase in height and successfully enact as a natural dune system. Using ArcGIS Pro (3.3.0), digital elevation models (DEM) were analyzed in which different years were compared and inferred that this project was successful in retaining its proper height. The relevance of studying these changes in landscape is in the interest of implementing strategies that mitigate overall deficits that could be ecologically, economically or even socially. These coastal systems bear huge importance in protecting inland habitats such as salt marshes, forest, and human housing/infrastructure. By demonstrating that restoration projects can effectively increase dune height and stability, this study underscores the importance of these

efforts in mitigating the impacts of climate change and preserving valuable ecosystems.


Mikayla Harris

Heritage University

Mentor: Lauren Mullineaux, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Title: Life on Deep Sea Inactive Sulfides

Abstract: Hydrothermal vents are hotspots of biodiversity in the deep sea, supported by chemoautotrophic bacteria. Since they were discovered in 1977, we have learned a great deal about vent communities. However, much less is known about the populations on sulfide deposits where hydrothermal activity has waned. Due to the rising interest in deep-sea mining, it becomes necessary to fully understand the ecosystems where minerals would be extracted so that we can analyze the potential ecological impacts. To characterize the community that lives on inactive sulfides, we identified and counted animals on rock samples collected by the submersible Alvin from a sulfide feature on the East Pacific Ridge at a depth of 2500 m, near 10°N. Many invertebrate types were collected, though we focused on gastropods due to their abundance and identifiable features. Samples were taken from multiple areas on the same feature, each of which was a different color and texture of rock. In addition, we selected snapshots from high resolution video taken during the dives and used them to estimate population densities for each rock category. This allowed us to compare the communities of animals across different rock types, and explore whether they displayed any habitat preferences.We found that species proportions were variable across different rock types. The rusty and yellow rock types had a higher proportion of Melanodrymia galeronae, and had a lower proportion of Melanodrymia laurelin, both of which are thought to be specific to inactive sulfides. Communities on brown/green rocks were distinctly different from those on rusty/yellow rocks, but more samples will be needed in order to determine whether there is a significant habitat preference. These results motivate more in-depth research into the biodiversity and vulnerability of these little-studied ecosystems.


Jordan Verret

University of New Orleans

Mentor: Christopher Neil and Kristin Huizenga, Woodwell Climate Research Center 

Title: Climate Data Analysis of Falmouth and Surrounding Areas

Abstract: Climate change is warming the planet, but some regions are warming faster than others. To further examine local trends we compiled weather data, including the average maximum temperature and average precipitation in Falmouth, Massachusetts and surrounding areas, such as New Bedford, Plymouth, and Taunton. Data were extracted from the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) website’s Climate Data Online (CDO) tool and was examined with R Studio to calculate trendlines for average of Tmax and PRCP for summer and winter months. The increase in maximum summer and winter temperatures for Falmouth were stronger in comparison to New Bedford, Plymouth, and Taunton. The trends for precipitation over time were not significant. One possible explanation for the noticeably stronger trend for increasing TMAX avg in Falmouth is its closer proximity to the ocean where the Gulf Stream brings warmer water to the region.


Mia Martin-Fuller

DePauw University

Mentors: Hauke Kite-Powell, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution - Marine Policy Center 

Title: Analysis of the Ocean Twilight Zone GBIF Datasets

Abstract: The ocean twilight zone, the region that covers 200m-1000m below sea level within the ocean, remains heavily under-sampled and unknown to marine science, even though it potentially contains ~80% of the ocean’s biomass. The proposed deadline of 2030 for protecting 30% of the world’s ocean is quickly approaching and the sampling to date will not lead to a successful official conclusion of where the most protected areas should be. The most common examples of organismal collection methods include net tows and underwater cameras, with the newly emerging eDNA collection gaining ground in credibility and feasibility. With these various forms of organismal observations being put together in databases, the challenge now is to understand the distribution of data across geographic, depth, and taxonomic scales to better understand what we know and more importantly, what we don’t know. In this work, we used data analysis on data available through GBIF to better understand the demographics of the data currently available, specifically looking at the Alaska and Hawaii EEZs. We chose to focus on the Alaska and Hawaii EEZs as they have a lot of importance within fisheries and other resources. The dataset contains a total of 67,655 observations in the Alaska region and 9,939 occurrences around Hawaii. We also examined the difference in distributions between taxa groups with Chordata being the highest phylum found in both depth groups across both regions. We found that the number of observances between the epipelagic and mesopelagic within the Alaska EEZ is much larger than in the Hawaiian zones. We also found that almost all of the organisms found fall into the Animalia kingdom, with over 50,000 observances classified within this kingdom showing a significant bias in sampling, and found a wider range of prominent phyla between the zones as well. In parallel with this analysis, we also employed DNA barcoding to identify ocean twilight zone prey of predatory fishes. We identified several species of squid, which due to their ability to avoid net capture, are underestimated in traditional sampling, only having 7,526 observances in the dataset within the mesopelagic zone. Both our analysis of existing databases and our barcoding results indicated that more study of ocean twilight zonebiodiversity is urgently needed.


Akil Smith

University of Miami

Mentor: Katie Dever, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Title: Substrate Dependent Burrowing patterns in Squilla Empusa: Analysis on Their Excavation Process

Abstract: Squilla empusa, are a species of mantis shrimp native to the Chesapeake Bay and found in murky temperate waters. These Stomatopods can grow to 20 cm and are unique solitary marine crustaceans that use their raptorial appendages to slash and dig. Utilizing their slashing mechanisms, Squilla empusa creates U-shaped burrows in marine substrates up to 15 cm deep and 2 m wide. It is important to study their burrowing behavior to understand their habitat preferences, ecological role, and conservation efforts ensuring their survival in the ocean and in a captive, aquarium environment. To test burrowing behaviors two Squilla empusa were collected and separated into individual 473 Liter tanks. Both tanks filled with 15 cm of different substrates each week for a total of three trials. Substrates included: coral reef sand, crushed coral, and Fluval plant and shrimp stratum. Each mantis shrimp was provided a small pvc pipe, which was taken out in the middle of each week, and a handful of shells, to encourage natural behaviors. A standardized observation log was used to record the number of burrows made, the use of the burrows, size of the burrow, and signs of stress. Results showed the deepest burrows were made in the crushed coral extending down 6.35 cm with one opening. The crushed coral was recorded having the most “burrows” and signs of substrate manipulation. No burrows were made in the Fluval Stratum. Both showed the most signs of stress in the stratum, with one shrimp appearing darker after its trial week in the stratum. We concluded the optimal substrate, based on observations, was crushed coral and when given the opportunity they inhabited the pvc pipe. This provides an indication to what aquariums should use to reduce stress levels, and promote burrowing activity when displaying the Squilla empusa Mantis Shrimp.


Corinne LePage 

Brown University

Mentors: Forrest Horton and Peter Barry, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 

Abstract: Volcanic eruptions are one of Earth’s most powerful processes that can significantly impact the environment and human society. Enhancing volcanic hazard prediction is crucial, and geochemical monitoring, particularly through the examination of 3He/4He isotopes, offers a potential avenue for improvement by complementing traditional methods like seismic monitoring. Long-duration eruptions, such as those typical of ocean island hotspots and volcanic arcs, can be especially useful for geochemical monitoring. The 2018 eruption of Kīlauea, which lasted from May 3, 2018, to September 4, 2018, is an example of a long-duration eruption and serves as the case study for a time series analysis of magmatic 3He/4He using the mineral olivine extracted from erupted lavas. The lava samples, collected in 2022 from Kīlauea’s Lower Eastern Rift Zone, were crushed, sieved, and handpicked for olivine which was then sent to be analyzed in a noble gas mass spectrometer to assess changes in isotopic helium levels. It is hypothesized that the findings will reveal an increase in helium isotopes throughout the course of the eruption, supporting the idea that geochemical monitoring can provide valuable insights into the changes in magmatic 3He/4He on time scales relevant for predicting hazardous volcanic eruptions. Overall, this case study is part of a larger research project which aims to establish a framework for real-time helium isotope monitoring in hazardous volcanic regions, ultimately contributing to improved volcanic hazard forecasting worldwide.

Brianna Shaw

Stony Brook University

Mentor: Scott Chimileski, Marine Biological Laboratory

Title: Investigating Bacterial Interactions That Form Corncob Structures in Human Dental Plaque Biofilm

Abstract:  The human oral microbiome is home to many different bacterial species that influence human health and well-being. These bacteria interact and form structured communities called biofilms. One type of biofilm in the human microbiome is dental plaque, where Streptococcus species interact with Corynebacterium matruchotii and form unique structures called corncobs. Within corncobs, C.matruchotii, a long filamentous bacterium, functions as a core, while smaller spherical Streptococcus cells surround it. Although corncobs form spontaneously in the human mouth, these two species do not readily attach under laboratory conditions, preventing further understanding of this interaction. We tested different growth conditions and found that starving Streptococcus cristatus in a minimal medium lacking a carbon source promoted attachment to C.matruchotii. We tracked the physiological response of S.cristatus to the starvation condition, quantifying the number of bacteria that survive per day through a colony-forming units assay, and a reduction in the physical size of cells over time. Then, using confocal microscopy, we captured images of this interaction and used fluorescent stains to visualize living and dead cells, confirming that live S.cristatus cells attached to C.matruchotii. This study forms a path for future work testing whether starving the cells upregulated the expression of cell surface proteins called adhesins in the population of S.cristatus cells, allowing them to attach to C.matruchotii. Characterizing these key bacterial interactions will help us understand how healthy microbiomes form, furthering the advancement of therapeutics that may prevent oral disease states.


Amari Johnson

Prince George's County Community College

Mentor: Seth Ackerman, United States Geological Survey 

Title: Salt Marsh Restoration: Remote Sensing and in situ sensor approach to constrain hydrology of an engineered salt marsh restoration

Abstract: Marsh Island in Fairhaven, MA, was transformed into a quarry in 1871, and in 1930 it was filled in, causing 134 acres of wetland to be destroyed. In 2023, reconstruction of the salt marsh was completed under the guidance of the Buzzard Bay Coalition (BBC). The United States Geological Survey (USGS) has partnered with the BBC to study Marsh Island post-restoration through aerial surveys, assessments of the hydrology of Marsh Island, and water chemistry measurements. Water chemistry is measured using a YSI system deployed at the mouth of the tidal creek, and discrete samples are collected from surface water and ground water. Low altitude remote sensing data were collected by flying a small drone to take pictures of the marsh in a grid pattern. The data were processed in photogrammetry software Meta shape, where a 3D elevation model and Ortho mosaic image of the marsh was created. The mapping software QGIS was used to visualize both aerial images of the marsh and the digital surface model. The hydrology of the marsh was assessed using this elevation model and continuous records of water elevation from October 2023 to June 2024. We calculated the water flux in and out of Marsh Island using code written in R and R Studio. Our goal was to assess the duration of flooding across the engineered marsh. Finally, we assessed if carbon water chemistry models based on EXO data developed in mature marshes could be applied in the resorting marsh.


Emmanuelle Bogomolni 

Boston University

Mentor: Sean Hayes, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Title: Small Home for a Big Whale: Fin Whale Use of Marine Protected Areas

Abstract: Endangered Fin whales are the second largest animal on earth. Despite their size, little is known about their movement behavior, other than it exposes them to two primary threats- vessel strikes and fishing gear entanglement. We investigated fin whales' usage of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), their diving behaviors and how their traveling and foraging behaviors can differ between individuals. This enables us to evaluate the benefit of MPA’s to fin whale conservation and recovery. Utilizing tags that can track the whales’ position and record dive behavior and movement via satellite from 2022 and 2023 in the Gulf of Maine to investigate habitat usage in and around the Stellwagen Bank as well as other Marine Protected Areas. 13 fin whales were tagged. Several dive types were observed and likely represent foraging, traveling and other behaviors. Dives  averaged 5.9 minutes and 16.8 meters. Animals spent roughly 37% of their time in Marine Protected Areas. By integrating data from tags and aerial surveys, this project aims to inform management practices, mitigate risks from vessel strikes and entanglements, and support the potential expansion of MPAs. Given the ecological roles of Fin whales, including carbon sequestration, nutrient recycling, and habitat creation when their carcasses fall to the ocean floor, improving conservation strategies is essential for their survival and marine ecosystem health.


Aaron Wickware 

California State University Monterey Bay

Mentors: Andrew Reed and Stace Beaulieu, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 

Title: Validating Wind Data from the Ocean Observatories Initiative in High Latitude Deployments.​ 

Abstract: High latitude oceans, such as the Irminger sea, play a disproportionate role in the flux balance of heat, momentum, and biogeochemically important gasses such as CO2. The Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) deploys meteorological instruments in order to perform ocean observations in high latitude environments where it has historically been challenging to collect in situ observations. Through these high latitude deployments OOI makes long term quality observations of air and sea fluxes. Previous analysis of data from multiple different sensors has suggested that one type of the multiple sensors deployed, the Gill WindObserver II, has been under-recording wind speeds at higher magnitudes. I analyzed wind sensor data acquired from buoy deployments and from shipboard sensors during the Irminger Sea 11 Cruise. I compared wind data collected from two Gill WindObserver II 2-axis anemometers ("2-axis"), an R.M. Young Wind Monitor anemometer (RM Young), and a Gill R3 3-axis anemometer ("3-axis"), all mounted on OOI buoys, with two Vaisala WXT520 anemometers mounted on the bow of the R/V Armstrong. Data were adjusted to the buoy height using the COARE 3.5 algorithm. Next, I compared all of the sensors with a series of time series plots. The final result of these comparisons is a plot of the hourly averages with standard deviations of each wind sensor data equipped with error bars. The plot I generated supports the hypothesis and allowed us to identify that the two "2-axis" anemometers attached to bulk meteorological packages of both buoy deployments 10 and 11 are under-recording wind speeds at higher magnitudes. Future work will include individual sensor comparisons to quantify the specific magnitude of the under-measurement and develop a correction.


Sinclair Strong 

Fisk University

Mentors: Kathleen Savage, Woodwell Climate Research Center 

Title: Moisture as a driver of net soil CH4 exchange in a northern forest.

Abstract: Methane is a potent greenhouse gas (GHG) which contributes to increasing the average global temperature; a single molecule traps 34x more heat in the atmosphere when compared to a molecule of carbon dioxide (CO2), the most abundant GHG. Soils are the largest biotic sink for atmospheric CH4. However, how much CH4 is taken up by soils remains uncertain, due to a lack of measurements in ecosystems that are net CH4 sinks. Under anaerobic (saturated) soil conditions, methanogens produce CH4 and under aerobic (unsaturated) conditions, methanotrophs consume CH4. Methanogens and methanotrophs can coexist in soil but its status as a net source of CH4 or sink of CH4 depends on soil moisture driving aerobic or anaerobic soil moisture status. Our goal is to determine where across the landscape, and within the landscape soil profile, CH4 is being produced or taken up. Soil core samples were collected from the Howland Research Forest in ME, a sub-boreal forest containing varying drainage conditions, dry uplands, inundated wetlands, and transitional soils, which dynamically shift between saturated and unsaturated conditions, seasonally and episocially. Twelve soil cores, 6 from upland and 6 from transitional drainage areas, were collected and separated into soil horizons. A laboratory wetting experiment was conducted by adding 10 mL of deionized water to soil samples across a drainage gradient (upland, transitional) and soil horizons, gradually saturating the environment. Soil CH4 fluxes were measured after each water addition using a LICOR-7810 Infrared Gas analyser. Across the drainage gradient, the transitional soils were responsive, changing from a CH4 sink to source as soil moisture increased, likely due to a diverse population of microorganisms that coexist in this dynamically changing soil environment. This research shows that soil moisture can drive the shift between soils as sources or sinks of CH4.


Alex Brown 

Chowan University

Mentor: Ken Foreman, Marine Biological Laboratory 

Title: Importance of Macro Detrital Flux In Net Exchange Between “Little Pond” and “Vineyard Sound”

Abstract: Eutrophication of coastal ponds due to excess inputs of nitrogen is both a global and local problem. Little Pond is important because it is one of 14 estuaries in Falmouth MA designated by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as having impaired water quality due to nitrogen loading from wastewater derived from surrounding septic systems. In 2015-16 a sewer system was built in the watershed of the pond diverting wastewater from more than 1400 homes and businesses for treatment outside the watershed. This novel ecosystem level experiment creates a unique opportunity to study how water quality and ecosystem function improves as nitrogen inputs are reduced. Understanding how this impaired estuary will respond to reductions in nutrient pollution is critical to developing effective strategies for restoration/treatment efforts. As part of that study we are measuring how nitrogen inputs decline and how exchange of nitrogen between the Little Pond estuary and the coastal waters of Vineyard Sound has changed. Groundwater nitrogen levels have declined by more than 60% since the sewer was completed. Others are measuring movement of dissolved nitrogen, phytoplankton and fine particulate material and this study explores the importance of transport of large particulate material by tidal exchange. We estimated flows of water through the inlet channel to the pond over the tidal cycle from changes in pond water level. We deployed a net (0.46 m x 0.61 m) into the channel (1.52 m x 1.24 m) every hour to sample macroalgae, seagrass, nekton and detrital material >5 mm for a full tidal cycle. We then sorted, dried, weighed and ground the collected material and analyzed the percent carbon and nitrogen from each sample. Results showed over the 12 hour sampling period there was a total of 143.78 grams of dry weight collected amongst all of the material (seagrass %30, macroalgae %66, nekton %2, detrital material %2). Another result showed that the %C (%18.93) was greater compared to the %N (%2.43). This work demonstrates that transport of larger particulate material during tidal flow could be important in the nitrogen economy of the pond.


Arleth Martinez

Berea College

Mentor: Elizabeth Sibert, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 

Title: Exploring Squaliformes dermal denticle morphology diversity and evolution.

Abstract: Sharks are known for their unique characteristics, whether it be their physical protection, defense mechanisms, teeth, and/or their skin. All of these special features play an essential role in the life of a shark. Whole shark bodies are rarely preserved in fossil records due to their cartilaginous skeletons. However, sharks have mineralized to have a "skin-teeth" texture covering their skin called dermal denticles (placoid scales). These dermal denticles are made of the same material as human teeth (dentin) and are known to be well-preserved for scientific research, providing a valuable tool for researching the evolutionary history of sharks. The  overall goal is to quantify the morphological diversity of shark denticles across the full shark tree of life and explore how dermal denticle morphology - the shape, size, and structure - maps onto the shark phylogenetic tree. The main focus of my research is collecting and analyzing denticle morphology from 25 standardized locations across the bodies of 9 species on the order Squalifromes - a clade of deep-sea sharks. Differentiating denticles from these 25 standardized locations are found to have differences in variation of denticles both within and between  species, such as their snout denticles are compared to be visually different than those denticles found on their fins and trunk. Furthermore, building this database will give us an insight on the order Squaliformes having both similarities and significant differences in denticles from other shallow-water species. The determination of this research is to apply the effort of quantifying the morphological diversity of shark denticles across the full shark tree of life. And our findings suggest that Squaliformes denticles have unique features that could help to identify the understanding of deep-sea shark evolution by the shark phylogenetic tree, improving our understanding of deep-sea shark evolution.